BlockTalks x CFX Quantum AMA Transcript!
Hello! BlockTalkers & Blockchain Enthusiastic!
We recently hosted an AMA with CFX Quantum, on September 6th at 3 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Virgilio Degiovanni, Advisor for CFX Quantum & Marco Mottana,CEO of CFX Quantum. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Introduction Questions Asked By BlockTalks
Q1. Could you please introduce CFX Quantum to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — CFX Quantum is the last result of a research that begun 30 years ago on the traditional financial markets. Crypto are not so different so we took the latest technologies to find the best return at lowest possible risk. We found the incredible Digital Annealer chip of Fujitsu and began experimenting. In the end the results allow us to propose zero market risk and one percent return every month on crypto assets. The same will be done in the future with Fiat assets.
Q2. What are the advantages of CFX Quantum to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — I would say very simple approach, a friendly technology. The safety, and a long run experience that enable us to avoid major business pitfalls and a very easy way to participate and earn with our community.
Q3. What are the major milestones CFX Quantum achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — Well, we begun early 2018. The project was created and revised several times to get to the actual stage. We have a referral marketing partner that can grow big numbers and already 50,000 people are waiting to test our products. To say the truth, we had many technical and regulatory hurdles to surpass and cope with the deep changes into the Crypto worlds. The future is Consolidating Zerone, and creating a DEFI product with our dream SURF Fund. And get the first million customers!
Questions Asked on Twitter For CFX Quantum team!
Q1. Can you explain more about your ZEROONE product which is scheduled for launching in Oct 2020? Asides KYC, which other security features are incorporated into it to make it safe & secure to use because security is the most important issue in the Blockchain & mobile world?
Ans — The Zeroone product will reside on safe wallet from a primary blockchain wallet company. we are dealing with different ones. Possibly even a bank wallet and we are dealing with an insurance too for maximum safety but that will take more time. CFX will take care of accountancy of all the deposits and the main wallet will be at beginning only be tied to Binance. With a growth of amounts will add other Tier1 exchanges. Will never work with exchanges that does not fit very strict rules and security.
Q2. You’ve a good variety of different products with different use-cases but what would you consider to be CFX Quantum’s core product and why this exactly?
Ans — Not so easy but we say our opinion. Since we deeply believe in the alliance with Fujitsu, our Core is ZEROONE. other similar products will come over time with different level of Risk/Reward. The Wallet Exchange is manly a service for our customers that is useful as a basis of communication and daily activity on cryptos but will always be improved.
Q3. Which specific target market does CFX Quantum plan to focus on? And what strategic approach does the team have in the pipeline that can massively spread awareness worldwide?
Ans — Our main target are MILLENNIALS.This generation will rapresent the majority of qualified workforce in the next few years. Along with them real COMMON PEOPLE: we mean those who are not “finance experts” These last ones usually deposit their money in Banks account or zero risk assets.
Millennials, on the other way, don’t like traditional system, prefer crypto to fiat money, are obviously very open to on line and doing by themselves. Our strategic approach to reach these people is very clear: we move with a strong action of referral marketing with very experienced people working with us. They operate under company ATS Sharing, with whom we have a strong partnership. These people achieved over 5 millions customers in their past trough referral marketing and they believe thay can do much more with CFX Wallet and disruptive ZERO ONE proposal.
Q4. Trust and credibility are diminishing gradually in the Blockchain Industry due to high level of scams happening daily thereby making other promising projects suffer for other people’s fault. Could you tell us some of your core values at CFX QUANTUM and how do you aim to restore?
Ans — To be sincere….we have paid from our pocket this problems…and we perfectly know how could be the feeling, BTW We have begun more than 30 years ago in the traditional investment world. We have always kept with the rules of integrity and responsibility and complied to very restrictive laws. Our parent company CFX Finance is going to obtain permissions from FCA in UK.
For money management and brokerage in the Fiat world. As soon as it will be possible to obtain licences for this in the Crypto world will do the same up to now is almost impossible but will do our best to secure the business and the customers, As in the Fiat environment.
Q5. The world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain is evolving and even becoming overwhelmed. Therefore, there is a lot of competition between projects. What has your project been doing to attract investors and gain more market share?
Ans — Good one! We have done FACTS rather than WORDS, first of all! You see, we’ve seen hundreds of blockchain companies talking about future. Excuse us but we believe you have to SHOW what you are able to do, FIRST. Then talk about improvements.
We’ve already done our wallet, our crupotexchange and the same ZERO ONE.
Also the referral markerting structure is ready to start with thouands of people who already signed and ready to move on Ocotber 1st! Everything will be out the day of listing. From then on we’ll only improve. FACTS, not words!
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session for the CFX Quantum team!
Q1. What are your major goals to archive in the next 3–4 years? Where can we see $CFXQ Ecosystem in this period? What are your plans to expand and gain more adoption?
Ans — First of all we want to reach our first million customer by the end of third year. We’re quite confident we’ll make it. The real role that today we do not even discuss is that our not secret goal is to become a Leader in the DeFi field. We believe that here there is the real disruption of present financial system. And we’ll have by far the best instruments to play at thehighest level: we work with PEOPLE, real COMMON people, not just technicist!
3/4 years from now we aim that CFX Token will circulate widely in the entire social world. And we believe we can do it.
Q2. Your metamorphosis is a commendable one, how have you been able to survive this longest bear market and continue building and developing?
Because many projects have died out in this time period.
Ans — yes we had to change a lot of things over this time, we got the crash in our neck when we were supposed to list… and we stand all this time. I have to thanks our supporters and investors that had faith in us and allowed to continue.
But the truth is that we are a united group of people, we support eachother and we never stop dreaming and working hard!!
Q3. 1% monthly ROI seems too little. How can you convince people to choose you?
Ans — I decide to answer you Lijnleomo, as you ask a question that may sound negative to us. It’s not and I explain you why we are strongly convinced ZEROONE is our major asset. You see, we perfectly know, as we live in this Industry as you do, that many promise higher return. And you know what? Some of them DO it.
That is they arrive at very very high returns! Some do for a few monhts… Some for almost 1 year, A few even for 1,5–2 years in a row BUT NOBODY does it permanently. It’s the name of the game. result in proporion to risk, No one in Humanity as broken this golden rule. We are Humans therefore we could not beat it. But we have the tremendous advantage of the infinite power of machines (that is, technology) that give us power. And here it comes ZEROONE: ZERO LOSS, and 1% CONSTANT MONTHLY RETURN. Go out and talk to anyone of those hundreds of millions with a bank account at 0/1% yearly return that they can have TEN TIMES more at NO RISK……and you understand why we strongly believe in ZEROONE! Hope to have been clear!
Q4. DEFI has been making a big fuzz in the crypto industry!
Do you also have any contributions to DEFI space and what are your plans ?
Ans — yes indeed DEFI is disrupting the market and we are deeply considering to launch next product as a DEFI one. We are working with experts to understand the most viable way especially for SURF Fund that is our main long term aim, a fund that will help also the underdeveloped countries and people
Q5. ✅ CFX burns tokens every Quarter, but how many amount of the total supply is destined to burned? Can you give me an percentage (%) ?
✅ The Main mission of CFX is aims to bridge the gap between big institutional traders and retail investors, but what About Little Traders or NON-CRYPTO users? How CFX can help them?
Ans — Two questions in one :)
CFX will burn tokens using our TURNOVER with this plan
5% FIRST YEAR 2021
10% Second Year
20% Third year
25% fourth year
30% Fifth year
That’s very good for token holders in the long run!! The more the company grows the more the token will be valued
2) About non crypto users next step will be to do the same as Zerone with Forex and commodities… but next year!