BlockTalks x HodlCommunity AMA Transcript!
Hello! BlockTalkers & Blockchain Enthusiastic!
We recently hosted an AMA with HodlCommunity, on February 16th at 05.00 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Jean-Philippe Beaudet, Founder at HodlCommunity so here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Introduction Questions Asked By Team BlockTalks
Q1. Could you please introduce HodlCommunity to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — In simple terms, what is unique about HODLC asset is that it removes the guesswork from the equation when it comes to value fluctuation. It replace the concept of price discovery by a protocol, enforced through a set of smart contracts that will drive the value following 2 simple rules, removing completely the ability for price manipulation, shorting or any equivalent.
Q2. What are the advantages of HodlCommunity to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — HODLC uses a concept we refer to as “predictable finance”. The concept is based on the idea of changing how we assert value by a protocol anyone can understand and that enables a reasonable level of predictability, whereas a participant can know the minimal value fluctuation to expect in a certain period of time.
This predictability has many advantages:
remove the ability to manipulate the value
no participants need to lose value for other to gain
The store of value is non-volatile
the asset is enabled through a decentralized network (smart contracts) and a centralized exchange (HGlobal)
The asset enables organization to leverage its predictability in order to offer disruptive services such as:
free p2p and online payment system
low or 0 interest loans
competitive funds
and more
Moreso, HODLC beneficiate from a unfair network effect advantages. Each time a new service, product or participant is used, it creates more value for the next participants to come in, making each of these services, product easier to be adopted.
In short, every participant using the ecosystem is creating more value for all other participants.
This is why we refer to HODC as not being the product, but the backbone on which the products and services of the ecosystem become possible.
Q3. What are the major milestones HodlCommunity achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — We actually started as a 2k/Usd “social experiment” with a large dream and an 80 page white paper on how we could positively impact the world.
We put love, tears and hard work into this and have launched a successful project, quickly gaining popularity.
We just appeared on The Bad Crypto Podcast, the top rated podcast in blockchain and it’s drawing in quite a few fans and ambassadors, as people see the value in our ecosystem.
We are also blessed to announce on March 1st, we are launching a $2.35 million dollar educational program that will help people learn digital finance and investing.
We are changing Crypyo for the better by making it valuable and safe for everyone.
Questions Asked on Twitter For DeFi Wizards Team!
Q1. In relation to your working model and the protection mechanism that your $HODLC token has, do you think that in the short term, you can incorporate tools and the possibility that small and new projects can benefit from your ecosystem through small partnerships?
Ans —The HODLCommunity project exists as a foundation, opened in Gibraltar, which is responsible for :
The custodianship, maintenance and upgrade of the network
Creating awareness and community building activities
Promoting and give grants to project including, incorporating or leveraging HODLC within their business model
We already have 3 member of this ecosystem:
And we are opened to new ones. Very soon we will expose a process from which to propose collaboration.
As mentioned earlier, HODLC is about an ecosystem of projects and organizations leveraging the predictability of the asset in order to offer disruptive new value propositions.
Q2. In the long run, why should we trust $HODLC ? Since there aren’t Investors Funds insured on your platform, How do you raise of the doubts of your investors, partners and customers?
Ans — HODLCommunity is a long term project. Although the value of the participants is protected via the protocol, the funds are not guaranteed. The liquidity access will be promoted in manys ways, starting with what we refer to as the 3 “pillars”
Fiat-HODLC gateway
p2p free and instant payment portal
trust account (deposit,withdraw fiat, credit card funding, bank wires)
These pillars will enable the decentralized network and the retails to cross over. Moreso, they are competitive in themselves without the need to understand the underlying crypto backend and will enable participants to include it in their daily life without the hassle to be educated about sovereign finance (if they do not wish so!)
Mayne of the later services such as loans, business financing, mortgages, mutual funds are based on these pillars and we expect many more.
Theses initiatives will create large and constant movement of funds and liquidity and will empower the network as participants can have access to funds in a quick and efficient manner.
Q3. When I examined your Medium profile, “On the commercial side, it is stated that significant progress has been made in creating the necessary components to offer HTrust, HGlobal and HStores.” How will these concepts benefit users and your project?
Ans — In many ways. Each of these products are useful in their own right.
Htrust is a friendly way to manage fiat money that enables you to hold a HODLC account as well as fiat. It makes it very easy for the average joe to use HODLc as a form of “personal savings”.
HGlobal enable the participants to convert digital assets to fiat and vice versa, enabling the same advantages as classical crypto exchange but without the “stock markets” experience.
It also enables a payment system which is instant, free and from which the value of the payment starts moving forward the instant it is received, creating a disruptive medium of exchange for business owners.
HStore is also helping by creating an online shop experience for small and medium business owners in which they will benefit from the latest b2b services as a SaaS kind of format and a free store setup. This online store accepts HPay as well as classical means of payments. Not only does this benefit the merchant but makes the experience easy for participants as it is very similar to a paypal like experience.
All of these services and those coming after all create volume of trading and recurring value to the other services.
Q4. With HODL “community transactions and time programmatically increase the value of investments”, but what type of assets can users invest in within its ecosystem, any cryptocoin or just “stable coins”?
Ans — The ecosystem of HODLC is not an ecosystem of digitals assets per se. The ecosystem are projects, organizations or businesses that will include the asset in their process.
For example, HPay leverages the predictability of the asset in order to deliver a medium of exchange value proposition that is competitive.
Q5. HODLCommunity is designed with cross-chain compatibility in mindWhat blockchains will HODLCommunity integrate with? What blockchains can you use interblock communication (IBC) with?
Ans — The cross chain nature of HODLC comes from the concepts of meta-asset. An asset that exists upon multiple ledgers sharing the same value and the same maximum supply. It also comes with the ability to swap the asset from a ledger to another without the need of an actual counterpart, making it a one-way transfer.
The reason for this are:
make it more antifragile by not depending on the success of anyone ledgers
create a bridge for participants to enter and exit with more digital assets
The project intends to include at least 8 ledgers within a period of two years. The first new ledger will be on the EOS network and afterwards, we have the intention of exposing new “orderbooks” that will enable participants to buy and sell HODLC with other asset such as Bitcoin.
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session to HodlCommunity Team!!
Q1. Just 61 members on your telegram group when I joined. This is far too low for a promising project with greater value. In what ways do you aim to increase the awareness of HODLC so as to attract more users to the platform? Any incentives to attract more users?
Ans — We just made a new public telegram. Thank you for joining!
We have an ambassador room with 400 people in it.
We just grew our foundation online and now we are opening the gates to the crypto community. Thank you for your love and support.
Q2. How do you plan to spread awareness about your project in different countries wherein English Language is not spoken well? Do you have local communities for the them to let them better understand about your project?
Ans — We have multiple initiatives starting with the ambassador program, which is international and will enable our community to be developed in different languages and places !
The Foundation will continue to build a community online with the magical presence of @AlyzeSam
We have the HUniversity that will promote knowledge and education as well as traning for our ambassadors
We have the grants program that will enable us to help and or collaborate with other projects.
Q3. Are you a global project or local project? Can anybody anywhere use Your project without any restrictions?
Ans — The project is global, anyhow, local restriction in a specific country/state should always be followed.
Q4. Staking seem to be popular right now on many blockchain project. Can you please explain the detail about $ HODLC staking plan and the benefits of adding “staking”?
Ans — There is not staking per se in HODLC, yield is made on the basis on programmatic value increase.
Q5. What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market?
Ans — We are on the cutting edge of predictable digital financing and can bring value to every user…
Now that our project is matured in foundation, we are getting a lot of attention fast, because this is not another ICO- it’s a wonderful way to add value to your investment portfolio.
It’s tech that touches people and adds value both in heart and financially speaking.
Q6. How safe is HODLCommunity ? Is it enough to make users safe, reduce the risk of losing money and personal information?
Ans — safe is a very large and subjective concept. HODLC is designed with the purpose of protecting one value thourgth its protocol for wealth preservation and to disable the ability for the network value to be manipulated
Q7. Can you explain to me the purpose of HODLCommunity in simple words?
Ans — The purpose of HODLC is to remove volatility, manipulation in order to serve as the backbone for a commercial and financial ecosystem.
Q8. What is further planned for #hold in 2021 ?
Ans — the release of EOS mainet HODLC
The release of HUniversity
The release of HTrust
The release of HGLobal
The Ambassador program
Q9. What does the #HODL name stand for? There are interesting stories behind every successful project, and of course you have to work hard ever day. Can you share one of these interesting stories with us?
Ans — Thank you. HODL is actually a funny story!
This is actually the story of where the term “hodl” came from:
HODLC embraced the fantastic community “slang term” inspired by the word because we wanted a crypto community token. ♥️
Q10. At present, do you still consider that HODL is an “Social Experiment” project OR already on the bigger stage and ready to jump in the wild of crypto jungle ?
What is your strategy for making user’s kept their interests to stay loyals with HODL platform?
Ans —Oh no. If we were still in a hypothesis stage, we would not be launching a 2.35M ambassador and education program. Lol!
I don’t know anyone that’s done that in the six years I’ve been in blockchain.
Q11. Can you tell us the motivation and benefits for investors to keep the $HODLC token long-term? Do you have a plan to help boost token demand and scarcity?
Ans — The scarcity in HODLC is build in. The maximum supply on any given chain or the sum of all chains can never go beyond 40,000,000.
All asset are premined and are accessible from the reserve. The reserve hold all the tokens at the begining. All token are sold form there to start with . Then the orderbook always take precedence.
To wrap up, the maximum suppply is fairly low for the type of service intended:
mutual funds
Every time the service will become more adopted, there will be less assets available.
Q12. BRIEFLY EXPLAIN THE features/improvements you are planning to add to your products in the near future and the Ecosystem?
Ans — Adding blockchains with lesser gas fees.
Rewarding our community with NFT’s
Working on business partnerships to strengthen and grow this tech and mass adoption overall.
Launching an education program
Hired the third largest digital marketing company in the world to help us spread our success.
Q13.Many new projects $HODL made a good impression at first but were suddenly abandoned. How will you manage Your project to gain a place in the market and become a best token in the blockchain world?
Ans — The HODL token is totally unrelated to this project. HODLC is not meant on a firts good impression, we are nuilding the community step by step, with important milestones that will drive engagement on the crypto, commercial and financial landscape
Here are some important links of HodlCommunity 👇
🌎 Website:
📢 Medium: