BlockTalks x JustLiquidity AMA Transcript!
Hello! BlockTalkers & Blockchain Enthusiastic!
We recently hosted an AMA with JustLiquidity, on September 7th at 1 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Tobias Graf, CEO and Founder of JustLiquidity. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.
Tobias Graf: My Name is Tobias Graf I am 30 years young I am the CEO and Founder of KYC.Crypto and JustLiquidity.
I personal work in the finance industry for around 11 years (Finance & Insurance Broker). In 2015 and 2016 my company was the biggest Insurance and Finance Seller from a big german health insurance company and then i found my Home in Blockchain Space in 2017.
Introduction Questions Asked By BlockTalks
Q1. Could you please introduce JustLiquidity to our community in layman’s term?
Ans — The idea behind it is simple but strong, all traders have two problems with small cap tokens or new tokens on the market:
1. There is not enough liquidity on the Market available which means there are not enough buy or sell orders, so you can’t sell your tokens or buy tokens!
2. Sometimes you have teams who dump their own tokens to cash out, which leads into a dump from the token price.
And we lsolve this issues decentralized with our JustLiquidity DeFi.
Q2. What are the advantages of JustLiquidity to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?
Ans — There is no competitor on the market so far i know. JustLiquidity is the upgraded Uniswap Liquidity Protocol!
The advantages:
1. deposit just ETH and not ETH and the Project token on uniswap
2. get up to 0.2% interest for your provided ETH liquidity daily
3. Tokens get just issued together with liquidity
4. elastic supply trough the Protocol (max. 1 million JUL)
5. locked Team tokens
Q3. What are the major milestones JustLiquidity achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?
Ans — The first major milestone was our Soldout Token sale last friday in 6 hours and 45 Minutes.
The next milestones will be:
1. Release JustLiquidity Beta Version latest on the 20th September 2020
2. Release JustLiquidity MainNet Version latest on the 01st October 2020
Questions Asked on Twitter For JustLiquidity team!
Q1. Will JustLiquidity ensure liquidity to REMAIN in the pool, but how does it achieve that? How will you encourage people not to withdraw their money from the pool?
Ans — Yes. We already deposited the Liquidity into Uniswap and will add more step by step.
When the Protocol is finished all Liquidity and Tokens will be locked there!
No team and marketing token will be issued before we reached not our locked liquidity steps.
The first team and marketing token release takes place when we reached 6,000 ETH Liquidity in our Protocol.
The people can withdrawal always their liquidity which is important but why should you withdrawal when you get a good interest?
Q2. With justliquidity we can earn 0.2% interest per day for ETH Liquidity. That makes 72% per year, one of the highest rewarding staking programs! How can this be sustainable? What are the conditions to stake and earn this much?
Ans — The protocol use the Uniswap Liquidity Provider rewards and additional should there be not enough to cover the interest the protocol will sell tokens to cover it.
All in all it is an 100% decentralized Finance Solution!
More Liquidity = More Volume = More Fee = Rewards
Q3. According to the Just Liquidity contract, if the amount of ETH deposited by users as liquidity is insufficient, can this cause insufficient liquidity? Does this affect the circulating supply of the amount of project tokens provided?
Ans — It does not affect the Protocol.
Always when liquidity gets added tokens will be released
Always when liquidity gets removed tokens will be removed
Q4. I see that your project is focused on the Etherum platform, it is no secret to anyone that the high cost of transaction fees have led users to migrate to other platforms. Have you thought about migrating in the future a platform with cheaper rates such as Tron?
Ans — We will launch in the future as well an Protocol on Tron and mabye binance but in my opinion is the ETH Chain still the biggest DeFi Blockchain.
Q5. I Heard JustLiquidity Protocol protects from Team and Developer Token Dumps! Is that true?I Heard JustLiquidity Protocol protects from Team and Developer Token Dumps! Is that true?
Ans — Yes all available tokens will be locked into the protocol and they get just released when we have enough liquidity which means there cant be any big developer dump!
This point is very important because the people can trust the DeFi Technology!
Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session for the JustLiquidity team!
Q1. Can you tell me a story about how a customer has decided to choose you and their experience with your product?
Ans — Because Uniswap is the biggest DEX Player in the Market and in my opinion a unique Solution which is fully audited.
Q2. JustLiquidity requires to pass a KYC do fully operate?
The JUL token has an elastic supply, so under which, scenarios can increase or decrease?
Ans — No KYC, it's a decentralized Solution.
The circulation supply can decrease or increase correct but the limit is 1 million JUL Tokens.
Q3. What is the basic security system that Justliquidity use to protect user data and asset?
Ans — All will be decentralized managed and stored on the Blockchain!
We will get as well two audits from external companies to protect all users and the development will be open source.
Our CSO James is as well an very experienced Security Expert!
Q4. SUSHI rug pulled, how can we be sure JUL won’t rug pull also?
Ans — That's the reason why all team and marketing tokens get locked into the Protocol and get just released in the moment when we reached enough Liquidity in the Protocol!
Enough Liquidity means already enough traffic to avoid dumps.
Q5. How does Just Liquidity assess the risks associated with market uncertainty and volatility? Is there a market risk hedging mechanism to ensure user safety?
Ans — The JUL Token and the JustLiquidity Protocol both are build to generate a perfect trading experience for our holders trough the elastic supply and the liquidity backed Tokens.
Of course, up and downs are included but always with enough Liquidity!
Here are some important links of JustLiquidity 👇
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