BlockTalks x PolkaWar AMA Transcript!

Block Talks
10 min readMay 29, 2021


Hello! BlockTalkers & Blockchain Enthusiastic!

We recently hosted an AMA with PolkaWar, on May 29th at 2.00 PM UTC. Many of you might have participated or many of not. But we make sure no one missed out from the knowledge shared by Jackson Mohr, CEO & Co-Founder of PolkaWar. So here we are up with the AMA transcript, for those who missed the live session, this blog post will be a saver & feeder of knowledge for them.

Introduction Questions Asked By Team BlockTalks!

Q1. Could you please introduce PolkaWar to our community in layman’s term?

Ans — First of all, I will post social media of PolkaWar project here
✅ Website:
✅ Telegram:
✅ Telegram discussion:
✅ Twitter:
✅ Github:
✅ Medium:
✅ Whitepaper:

PolkaWar is a decentralized fighting game platform on the blockchain network. Inspired by the NFT subfield, PolkaWar will create a vivid fighting game world. Players will build character systems with weapons and equipment with different levels, to engage in combat with other players; participate in quests in the game as well as buy and sell items in the marketplace.

Our goal is to create a game platform that combines entertainment and income for gamers. We want to contribute something in the field of blockchain games, bring value to the NFT ecosystem in general and investors in particular.

Q2. What are the advantages of PolkaWar to other alternatives in the Blockchain field?

Ans — The current statistics show that less than 20% projects are related to gaming with most projects having mere concepts and no working products.

We realize that the NFTs combined with gaming will be the catalyst required for mainstream adoption and will contribute to the development of the general nascent NFT market, in the coming years.

We create a completely different game platform, a game with high real combat, not just as simple as other NFT gaming.

The market share in the field of NFT gaming is still very potential, but there are not many projects to exploit.

We think that as long as you do your product well, the worthy results will come. All you need to do is put a lot of effort into developing your project, fulfilling the set goals.

Q3. What are the major milestones PolkaWar achieved so far & what are in the future pipeline?

Ans — We are at the early stage.
We have raised $400k strategic investment from PolkaBridge, ChinaPolka, BMW Capital.

MVP will release on 1st June with NFT airdrop campaign and marketplace , building characters function .
You can check our development activities at github

In Q3, we will release testnet of the game and marketplace. Of course, testnet will run on Binance Smart Chain. It’s good blockchain with low fee and fast speed.
In Q4, we will run mainnet of the game and marketplace. And we will also develop the game on Casper network.

Questions Asked on Twitter For PolkaWar Team!

Q1. I am really interested in playing games. So which kind of games will you launch in polkawar platform? What kind of weapons and equipments do you expect to introduce?

Ans — Polkawar is a fighting game. You build your character with weapons and equipment, then challenge other players. The form of the match can be 1 vs 1 or team vs team.

Total equipment and weapons will have 10 types (sword, big knife, tessen, bow & arrow, gun, scepter, a magic vase, armor, helmet, Wing), and there are 3 different levels. Each level has different HP, MP, Damage, Accuracy stats.

To upgrade weapons and equipment, you must buy stones to practice. Stones you can buy or do quests to get. Of course, the higher the level, the higher the item’s stats will be.

This is a sword and a big knife at level.

Q2. What role does the $PWAR token play in the PolkaWar NFT market? And what value does PolkaWar bring to the crypto market? Because a project that wants to grow for the long term needs "Values", not things that float on the surface.

Ans —

You can see the use cases of PWAR token here.

Staking and farming are two modules that are sure to be included in a Defi project.
In the future, when PolkaWar attracts many players, do you think PWAR token will increase in price.

Q3. Polkawar will launch a game on Casper Blockchain this Q4 2021, so why choose to launch on Casper Blockchain? What advantages did you see in this collaboration for them and for Polkawar users and players? Other than Casper, what other Blockchain game do you want to launch?

Ans — Casper network is a new blockchain platform that has many advantages and differences compared to the rest of the competitors. It inherits the good aspects of the Ethereum blockchain and improves on its weaknesses, such as the problem of almost zero transaction fees and very fast speeds, using POS.

Moreover, we wanted to try something new, especially the casper ecosystem is small, so we decided to aim to casper. I believe that if Polkawar successfully builds on casper network, it will be a very significant breakthrough for us.

Next time, we will coordinate with the casper team to conduct construction. Of course, the first step is still to run on Binance smart chain first

Others, we will also aim to build Polkawar marketplace on another blockchain like Ethreum, Polkadot, Matic.

Q4. Can you explain the reward system for each level in the mission of Polkawar? What will be reward for each level?If the arena is also available for a team,can we invite our family, friends or colleagues in joining the team? Is there any reward in bringing friends in your platform?

Ans — We don’t have character level rewards , we only have match win rewards.

Before participating in the match, both sides will bet an amount. Whoever wins will win that amount.

When you win the battle, in addition to the money, you will have more experience points to upgrade your character.

In addition, the game will have a daily mission to earn more experience points.

There will be formula to level up the character. You can read more in the whitepaper

You can invite friends and family to join a battle team, when you win the game, your team will receive the money bet before the match.

Q5. How is the conversion of NFT elements (equipment and weapons) into tangible physical elements of the real world?

Ans — This is the module PolkaWar Logistics

All NFT items on the market can be converted to physical items. Example: You have a sword (NFT item) level 1 and you want to own that sword at your home. You just need to send the request to the PolkaWar Logistics system. PolkaWar team will process and deliver it to you at the required address.

This is how PolkaWar Logistics System work.

Questions Asked by our BlockTalks Community Members during live Session to PolkaWar Team!!

Q1. With the present downtrend of Crypto Market, I doubt it if most projects will be able to survive, even not all those with usecase will be able to see the next bullrun due to financial shortage/bankruptcy. Have you done the needful before embarking on developing PolkaWar? Won’t you let your community and investors down due to lack of funding?

Ans — Most projects die when the market enters a full downtrend, because there may be a financial shortage. PolkaWar is fortunate to be supported by many large backers financially, so this issue is not a concern. We were determined to create a different and attractive game platform, so we will make it to the end. We will not let the community and investors down.

Q2. I am quite interested in the PolkaWar Logistics? Why do they have to use Logistics to own NFT in real life. How is the polkwar logistics different from any other online shopping where goods are delivered to buyer?

Ans — The basic model is similar to online shopping in e-commerce.
But different about context. In PolkaWar, you are experiencing the game and want to own in-game items. For example, if you want to own a sword in the game, you can absolutely do it with PolkaWar Logictics.

Q3. As you know games is better played with mobile app,so do you have plan to launch your own mobile application for Polkawar? If yes,when can we expect it to be live and kicking in IOS or Android device? Is this part of the plan in Polkawar roadmap?

Ans — First, we will run the game on the website platform first and then we will develop the application for mobile devices later.Of course we will try to make the game run as smoothly as possible. We aim for a simple game that does not need beautiful graphics, but it must show the game running on the blockchain and bring the Defi element.

Q4. Is PolkaWar capable of delivering products to the buyer’s address? When registering, do they ask you for your home address? Does this apply to all countries or what are their exceptions?

Ans — Yes we will ask user to provide full home address. We will initially support shipping to Asian countries and some countries in Europe first.
Of course we have to pass a legal for the transport and sale of weapons.

Q5. As PolkaWar is a battle game, I assume that collectibles presented as equipment such as weapons, mounts and equipment according to the level they possess will give them a higher price. So, can these collectibles be used on other platforms outside of the game?

Ans — You can use this NFT , like weapons or equipment, on others marketplace. Because it exists as an ERC721 token, so it can be sold on other marketplace platforms like OpenSea, Rariable.

Q6. Can you give a little idea about your marketplace later? Can you sell all of the digital NFT works for sale, or just sell your own NFT games? And can it be connected with multiple wallets?

Ans — PolkaWar Marketplace is a place to buy and sell in-game items. These items are initialized by the system to serve the game. Users cannot manually create items for sale on platform.
Initially the system will support connection via Metamask wallet.

Q7. Where does the latest technology used by your project come from? Are you afraid that one day your project’s technology will be outdated by other projects' technology, how will you solve it?

Ans — PolkaWar project is a gaming project, using many modern technologies.
Frontend, we use ReactJs, Nodejs to build the UI , and also use many graphical design tools to design high quality game items.
Backend, we use Smart Contract on Binance Smart Chain (ERC20, ERC721 protocol), IPFS file, MongoDB, Unity engine.
I think technology is only one part of the project, it is not the deciding factor at all. For a project to be successful and go a long way, it depends on many other factors such as leadership vision, human resources, finance, relationships.

Q8. The PolkaWar team obtained funding of $400,000 from its strategic partners, but what direct benefits do these funds bring to the development of the PolkaWar ecosystem?

Ans — We will use that money for project development, marketing, salary ,coding, listing exchange , expand market,as you know, a successful project will have to spend a lot of money to develop all aspects.

Q9. Are you going to have updates every month, for example, updating graphics, adding arena or adding characters?

Ans — Currently, Polkawar only directs and focuses on building 3 characters that are Magician, Warrior and Archer. In the future, we will open many levels for the characters, maybe up to level 50, 100. And moreover, focus on building equipment and weapons for the character, open more levels and more arena.

Q10. When this is going live? And which exchange? Can we discuss the trading here or is it in other group?

Ans — We are in the private sale round.
Public sale will be conducted in June.

Q11. How do we get characters or upgrade other items in the game ecosystem? and Is there a prize for that?

Ans — When you connect to the system for the first time, you must create a character of 1 of 3 classes (Warrior, Magician, Archer). During the game, you will be able to upgrade your character to higher levels by experience points.

Q12. Regarding PolkaWar’s gameplay and its benefits, Please tell us Can We choose the characters in the Polkawar game and their accessories? Can they be swapped in the game or should we go to the shop? And can they reduce the daily, weekly, and monthly rewards?

Ans — Each character type will limit the use of a certain weapon. For example Warrior can use Sword, Big Knife, Tessen; Archer can use Bow & Arrow, Gun; Magician can use Magic Vase, Sceptre.

Here are some important links of PolkaWar👇

🌎 Website:
📱 Twitter:
📢 Telegram:
📚 Medium:



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